Cashews are one of the most famous nuts known globally, and nuts are one of the most popular keto diet snacks.
Are cashews allowed on the keto diet? They are a rich source of fats, vitamins, and minerals, which makes them a distinctive choice for the ketogenic diet.
In this article, we will be able to answer all your questions about cashews. And keto diet.
Cashew and keto diet
What is cashew?
It is a fruit that grows from a large, evergreen tree in Brazil, especially in northeastern Brazil.
Although it is considered a fatty nut, it does not contain as much fat as walnuts.
Despite that, it is full of many health benefits, which are important for the ketogenic diet.
Nutritional facts about cashews
More than 60% of cashew content is monounsaturated fat, rich in oleic acid, which is found in other healthy fats such as olive oil and avocado.
Nutritional value of cashews
- Calories 170
- Fat: 12 grams
- Proteins: 5 grams
- Fiber: 2 grams
- Carbohydrates: 8 grams
Based on the amount of carbohydrates found in cashews, it becomes clear to some that the answer to the question: Are cashews allowed in the keto diet?, will be no, because they are rich in carbohydrates.
Although they contain a high amount of carbohydrates, this does not mean that they should be completely eliminated.
Cashews are part of the ketogenic diet, There are some nutritionists who seek to benefit from their benefits by incorporating them into the ketogenic diet.
Are cashews allowed on the keto diet?
No, it is not allowed because it contains a high percentage of carbohydrates, and there are some nutritionists who seek to incorporate it into the diet through several methods.
Vitamins and minerals in cashews, such as:
- Copper: It protects against osteoporosis and anemia, is involved in the formation of new red blood cells, maintains blood vessels, nerves, the immune system, and bones working properly, and improves iron absorption.
- Manganese: It helps with weight loss, reduces pain, anxiety, mood swings, stress, irritability, and depression, prevents osteoporosis, and improves wound healing.
- Magnesium: strengthens the heart, regulates blood sugar levels, enhances the body’s immune performance, maintains healthy muscles, nerves, and bones, and is able to combat high blood pressure and heart disease and help treat them.
- Vitamin K: This vitamin is considered a super antioxidant, protects against cancer, enhances the performance of blood vessels, and prevents cancer.
- Vitamin E: is also important for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, helping blood vessels stay open so they do not form harmful blood clots.
Health benefits of cashews
Although the carbohydrates in cashews are very high compared to other nuts, they offer amazing health benefits, including some of the ones mentioned below:
- It helps reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
- Reduces inflammation and deadly biomarkers.
- Reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular death.
- Helps in losing weight.
- Helps lower blood pressure.
Since cashews are higher in carbs than other keto nuts, it's essential that you keep your portions under control. Here are some tips:
- Start with half or even a quarter of an ounce of cashews, and see how your body reacts to it.
- Avoid eating canned cashews, or make sure they are free of unnecessary preservatives, chemical flavours, added sugars, and unwanted hidden carbohydrates.
- Add cashews to your pre- and post-workout keto smoothie for a hearty, filling snack or meal that won't knock you out of ketosis.
- Mixing cashews with other high-fat, low-carb nuts, such as macadamia nuts, is an excellent way to get all of these many benefits while keeping the carbs low.
- Cashews may be a little higher in carbs than other nuts, but they make up for that by offering healthy doses of monounsaturated fats, copper, manganese, phosphorus, vitamin K, and vitamin E.
Cashew substitutes
If you prefer low-carb keto nuts, there are some good options available, such as:
- Almonds.
- Pecans.
- Walnuts.
- Macadamia nuts.
Cashews are a good option when following the keto diet, as long as you divide your portion to maintain your diet or follow a targeted or periodic diet.
If you are curious and want to learn more about other nuts, you can resort to the aforementioned cashew alternatives.