Is rice allowed on the keto diet?

Rice is a frequently asked question from every person who wants or follows the ketogenic diet. 

It is a major source of food, and most of us eat it on a daily basis. 

It is one of the multi-use items, and it is accessible to everyone, regardless of marital status, in addition to being rich in many health benefits. 

Therefore, we had to answer: Is rice allowed in the keto diet or not?

In general, there are types of rice that contain 45 grams of net carbohydrates per cup. 

Other types, such as brown, wild, and basmati rice, have many health benefits. 

Others, such as white rice, are rich in refined carbohydrates, which are harmful to health. 

Because the grain is processed and most of its fiber is removed.

Rice and keto diet

Is rice allowed on the keto diet

In terms of fiber, you will find 3.1 grams of fiber in a cup of cooked brown rice and only 0.6 grams of fiber in a cup of cooked white rice. 

The question here is: Is rice allowed on the keto diet? And are all types of rice allowed or prohibited on the ketogenic diet? This is what we will try to answer in the following lines.

From the previous simple lines, it is clear to us that the answer is no. 

Rice is not allowed in the keto diet, but are all types of rice prohibited in keto?

Benefits of rice

Although the carbohydrates in rice are too high to be considered keto-friendly, it offers distinct health benefits to the body, which are as follows:

  • It is a rich source of manganese, as it contains more than 85% of the recommended daily amount. 
  • It improves cognitive functions and maintains the health of the bones, liver, pancreas, and kidneys.
  • An essential source of magnesium, it improves nerve function, helps regulate blood sugar levels, helps in protein synthesis, bone and muscle growth, helps regulate blood pressure, reduces sleep disorders and anxiety, and regulates calcium, potassium, and sodium levels.
  • It increases the level of beneficial cholesterol in the body because it is rich in fiber, which reduces the risk factors for heart attacks or strokes.
  • There is much research confirming its role in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Is rice allowed on the keto diet?

When you are in a state of ketosis, the body burns the fat stored in it in order to obtain ketones as a source of energy. 

If the percentage of carbohydrates in the body is high, it prevents the production of ketones, and because rice is rich in carbohydrates, you will resort to avoiding it so that the body does not exit the state of ketosis.

The main reason for the body's transition from relying on fats to produce energy to carbohydrates is the rise in the hormone insulin in the blood, which prompts the body to get rid of its excess carbohydrates by using them to produce energy until it returns to its normal levels.

In order to maintain the body in a state of ketosis, the daily consumption of carbohydrates must not exceed 50 grams per day.

Reliable alternatives

Since we answered the question, Is rice allowed on the keto diet? No, we must provide alternatives that the ketogenic person can rely on.

There are plenty of delicious, keto-friendly rice alternatives that you can rely on while ensuring you don't fall out of ketosis.

Rice alternatives have much fewer calories and total carbohydrates, and some do not contain calories, so we cannot finish our answer to: Is rice allowed on the keto diet? Without talking about alternatives.

Suitable rice substitutes include:

  • Shirataki Rice: Also known as miracle rice, this is a zero-calorie, zero-carb alternative to rice and an excellent source of soluble fiber.
  • Cauliflower rice is the most popular and versatile rice alternative. 
  • It contains 2.5 grams of fiber, 5 grams of total carbohydrates, and only 25 calories per cup.
  • Broccoli rice is another low-carb and low-calorie alternative. 
  • Broccoli can be purchased, eaten or cooked, as every 100 grams of it contains 1.5 grams of carbohydrates.
  • Mushroom rice: Mushrooms are a great keto alternative to rice. Diced white mushrooms contain only 2 grams of carbs per cup. 
  • Fry a cup or two of diced mushrooms in a pan with some butter to bring out their rich flavor. 
  • You can even combine mushroom rice with other rice substitutes. 
  • Low carb will change the flavor and texture of your meals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is brown rice allowed on keto?

It is not allowed to contain a high percentage of carbohydrates, although it contains more fiber than white rice, as one cup of cooked brown rice contains 46 grams of net carbohydrates.

Is wild rice allowed on keto?

Yes, it is a type of rice that grows in shallow waters in a number of American and Asian countries, where the stem and stem are in the water while the flower floats to the surface for birds and humans to feed on. 

It consists of four types, and every 50 grams of it contains 9.8 grams of carbohydrates. And 4.5 grams of protein.


Thus, we finish answering the question of some people: Is rice allowed in the keto diet? We hope that we have provided a satisfactory and comprehensive answer. 

We hope that we share the article so that others can benefit from it.
